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Moeen Ul Islam
Debanjon Dutta Purkaystha
Antu Das Gupta
Sopan Saha
Durjoy Banik
Muhibul Haque Bhuyan


The primary objective is to detect and identify suspicious activities and potential threats in a precise manner while prioritizing human safety leveraging surveillance technology and machine learning. The implementation of this system involves coding in Python using the OpenCV library. It utilizes Wi-Fi connectivity as a means of communication. The robot is equipped with a Raspberry Pi along with a USB web camera, which captures video footage and employs object detection algorithms to identify unknown individuals. When a person or an object is detected, the system sends an email to the dedicated email addresses including an image of the unrecognized individual. The proposed system is designed as a unified unit responsible for monitoring the environment for hazardous conditions and delivering real-time video feedback. The proposed system is simulated and tested in real-time to observe its functionality, and it is observed that the system works properly as per given input conditions.


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How to Cite
Islam, M. U. ., Purkaystha, D. D. ., Gupta, A. D. ., Saha, S. ., Banik, D. ., & Bhuyan , M. H. (2024). ADVANCED AUTONOMOUS SURVEILLANCE ROBOT FOR ENHANCED MONITORING AND INDIVIDUAL IDENTIFICATION. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 15(3), 25–34.
Author Biography

Muhibul Haque Bhuyan , Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB), 408/1 Kuratoli, Kuril, Dhaka

Prof. Dr. Engr. Muhibul Haque Bhuyan passed SSC from Bangladesh Bank High School in 1989 and HSC from Notre Dame College in 1991. He obtained his BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 1998; MSc in EEE and PhD in EEE from BUET in 2002 and 2011, respectively. He obtained Dean’s Award during his undergraduate study at BUET. He joined in Faculty of Engineering of American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) as a Lecturer in June 1999 and currently, he is working here as a Professor in the EEE Department. He went to Hiroshima University, Japan as a Researcher under the Center of Excellence Program in 2003. After returning to Bangladesh, he joined the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering of Daffodil International University as a Senior Lecturer in January 2005. He became Assistant Professor in July 2005. He was the Head of the ETE Department for 3.4 years. He moved to Presidency University as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2010. He moved back to DIU’s EEE Department as an Associate Professor in January 2012. Later, he joined as an Associate Professor and Chairperson of the Department of EEE of the Green University of Bangladesh in July 2012. He became Professor in August 2013 and Proctor in June 2014. He joined the Department of EEE at Southeast University in December 2015 and Chaired the EEE Department for 5 years. He was appointed by the Honorable President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh as the Treasurer of SEU for 4 years on 13 November 2018. Prof. Bhuyan has published over 70 journals and 60 conference papers at national and international levels. He is the co-author of a book titled “Speeches of the BAAS Presidents (1976-2011)”. He is involved in several national and international conferences, like ICECE, ICCIT, WIECON-ECE, R10-HTC, ICTIEE, ICIEV, iCiVPR, iCEEiCT, ICAEEE, ICAEE, ICREST, ICISET, MIET, ICIDeA, NCCIS, BEISC, etc. He has chaired various sessions of IEEE conferences held at BUET, DU, JU, BAEC, MIST, CUET, RUET, DUET, NSU, IUB, AIUB, EWU, AUST, IIUC, NSTU, SEU, DIU, BUBT, etc. He was the Organizing Chair of the 22nd ICCIT in 2019. He has received training on teaching, learning, research methods, OBE, program accreditation, VLSI, etc. He is a regular Program Evaluator of the Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE), Bangladesh. Prof. Bhuyan is the recipient of the Bangladesh Education Leadership Award from the South Asian Partnership Summit in 2017. This is a Certificate as the Best Professor in Electrical Engineering for demonstrating exemplary Leadership in this field. His research interests include semiconductor device design, modeling, and process simulation, power electronics, control and embedded systems design, biomedical electronics, OBE, Engineering Education, etc. Prof. Bhuyan is a Life Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Bangladesh, Life Member and Treasurer of Bangladesh Electronics and Informatics Society, Member of IEEE; Executive Committee Member of IEEE-Bangladesh Section, etc.


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