Fuzzy Maximal and Minimal Α-Clopen Sets

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M. Sankari


The aim of the paper is to introduce the notions of fuzzy maximal and fuzzy minimal α -clopen sets in fuzzy topological spaces. The notions of fuzzy maximal and minimal α -clopen sets are respectively independent to the notions of fuzzy maximal and fuzzy minimal α -open (resp.closed) sets. Further, fuzzy maximal α -clopen and fuzzy minimal α -clopen sets are discussed using fuzzy α -disconnectedness.


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How to Cite
Sankari, M. . (2020). Fuzzy Maximal and Minimal Α-Clopen Sets. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 11(1), 1695–1699. https://doi.org/10.61841/turcomat.v11i1.14663
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