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G. Chakradhar
Malika Apku
G. Anusha
Dr. Sudhakar Madhavedi


Major shifts in the competitive environment encouraged a recent growth in the number of academic
articles devoted to strategic aspects of asset management. Organizations start to recognize that a
strategic approach to asset management becomes a source of sustainable competitive advantages and
long-term survival in the turbulent environment. However, existing studies are largely case-specific in
interpreting strategy and draw on various theoretical grounds and approaches. This leads to little
theoretical and methodological consistency in understanding current findings and how to design
future studies. The key goal of this paper is to systematically review the existing research through the
analysis of over 700 articles devoted to asset management with a focus on strategic aspects. Our key
contributions are positioning strategic asset management within the vast field of asset management
research, describing the nature of strategic asset management research, and confirming that asset
management strategies align with different levels of organizational strategy. We visualize the existing
research field, and indicate gaps and underdeveloped areas of research. We also shortly outline future
research directions based on our findings, thus encouraging a more coherent development of research
on strategic asset management.


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How to Cite
Chakradhar, G. ., Apku, M. ., Anusha, G., & Madhavedi, D. S. . (2020). A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF ASSETS MANAGEMENT COMPANY , FOCUSING ON INVESTMENT STRATEGIES, PERFORMANCE, AND REGULATORY. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 11(3), 2656–2671. https://doi.org/10.61841/turcomat.v11i3.14489
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