Cat Swarm Optimization Algorithm For Antenna Array Synthesis

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Nirmala Yerpula, et. al.


Cat swarm optimization (CSO) is a developmental technique enlivened by the animals in Mother Nature for taking care of optimization issue. Short of what multi decade after CSO is proposed, it has been improved and applied in various fields by numerous scientists as of late. CSO is created by noticing the practices of cats, and made out of two sub-models, i.e., following mode and looking for mode, which model upon the practices of cats. The prerequisite of high directivity signal with extremely quick pillar guiding is preposterous by a solitary antenna. This imperative is aid by staged array antenna which is a mix of various little antennas that can create shaft with high directivity with quick electronic pillar guiding. The radiation example of an antenna array relies firmly upon the weighting technique and the math of the array. The issues related with pillar design causing high obstruction in communication which confine them use by and by. To beat these im-pediments, optimization innovation called Cat Swarm Optimization are applied in mix with the old style array blend strategies for staged array combination. An optimization issue is determined whose arrangement yields an ideal array for stifling impedance because of high side lobe level and grinding lobe. Results are introduced for ideal arrays of shifting array calculation, with various number of antenna components, and for distinct beamwidths and scan angles.


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How to Cite
et. al., N. Y. . (2021). Cat Swarm Optimization Algorithm For Antenna Array Synthesis . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 1466–1474. Retrieved from
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