Analysis of Fog Computing for IOT Security

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Manju Kumari, Deepika Gupta, Naresh Mathur


Distributed processing efficiency provided by fog computing, IoT needs an autonomic security approach. It is because IoT devices are deployed in both the managed and the unmanaged environments. The devices in unmanaged environment are more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. The new IoT produces large amounts of data from millions of connected devices which needs low latency analytics. Fog computing will fulfill this need. Fog nodes provide an abstraction layer that masks the heterogeneity between devices and offers a consistent, virtualization programmable interface.


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How to Cite
Manju Kumari, Deepika Gupta, Naresh Mathur. (2021). Analysis of Fog Computing for IOT Security. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 4880–4883.
Research Articles