Smart Robotic Bin on Wheels

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Dr. M. Ranga Rao


The robotic bin moves on its own to catch the object. Here we are placing the
basket on robot to catch the object. A High efficient camera is attached to the robot which is
used to track the object. In this we are using Intel Atom Processor for which camera is
interfaced. This camera captures the object and the processor decides the path of object and
moves the robot in that direction to catch the thrown object. For the movement of robot a wheel
mechanism is used. This mechanism helps to move the robot in the direction of object and with
the angle at which object lands. Hence the object directly catches by the robot into the basket.
Since this project is done by Japanese and now we took the first step to implement this project.
The advantages of this project are it is very useful for handicaps and if any valuable object is to
be fallen suddenly this robot catcher will be very useful for it.


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How to Cite
Dr. M. Ranga Rao. (2022). Smart Robotic Bin on Wheels. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 11(3), 1082–1092.
Research Articles