A New Dynamic Mathematical Modeling Approach of Zero Waste Management System

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Ashtashil V. Bhambulkar, Dr. Ranjit N. Patil


Dr. Paul Palmer coined the phrase "zero waste" in 1973 to describe the
complete removal of municipal solid waste (MSW) from landfills. Through a
literature study and an interactive survey method, the conceptual basis and procedures
employed in 25 cities throughout the world. The Battle Environment Evaluation
System was used to study and analyse certain essential key issues involved in the
present zero waste management system (BEES). The Delphi Technique was
commonly utilised in this study to evaluate the present municipal solid waste
management system (MSWMS) of the study area. The value of Environmental
Quality (EQ) determined for the area under study's existing MSWM system was
found to be 238; however, the ideal value for a good rating of an existing MSWM
system should be 521. Various conclusions were drawn based on the facts and
findings, including the development of innovative product design, a focus on the Solid
Liquid Resource Management Centre (SLRMC), the Domestic Composting System
(DCS), the design of optimal collection and transportation routes, the development of
transfer stations, the implementation of the 3R principles, and the monitoring of the
MSWM system at various stages. A model for zero-waste management has also been
created and presented.


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How to Cite
Ashtashil V. Bhambulkar, Dr. Ranjit N. Patil. (2021). A New Dynamic Mathematical Modeling Approach of Zero Waste Management System. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 11(3), 1732–1740. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v11i3.11826
Research Articles