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Mohamad Sobirin, Krishna Mochtar


Construction projects are jobs that have a high risk of work accidents with the
possibility of serious work accidents. The risk of accidents is higher in developing
countries where the workforce used in educational backgrounds is relatively low.
Related to this condition, King and Hudson (1985).Determination of the
frequency of frequency or frequency of the occurrence of K3 Construction Risk to
multi-storey buildings, has different values such as rarely, sometimes and often, in
accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Public Works Number: 05 /
PRT / M / 2014. i.e. the value = 1 is rare in construction activities,Value 2=
Sometimes occurs in construction activities and value = 3 Often occurs in
constructal activities. limit the frequency value of the occurrence of the type of
risk of K3 construction.
In this study, using fuzzy logic mamdani method. To get the output of this method
requires 4 stages, namely; 1) The formation of fuzzy sets; 2) Application of
implication function; 3) Composition of rules; 4) Defuzzification, from the results
of defuzzifikas
Based on the results of the study can be collected additional values for the
limit of the value of K3 frequency, namely; Frequency Value Limit for "Rare"
between 0-2, "Sometimes" between 3-5 while for "Often" is 6-8


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How to Cite
Mohamad Sobirin, Krishna Mochtar. (2021). K3 FREQUENCY VALUE ANALYSIS IN A HIGH-RISE BUILDING. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(14), 5467–5473. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i14.11659
Research Articles