Policies for Educational Inclusion in Latin America: a Review

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Omar Bellido Valdiviezo; Carlomagno Sancho Noriega; Hernán Ocampo Moreno;Jonnathan Andrés Jiménez Yumbla, Ángel Grover Vega Pilco


A documentary review was carried out on the publications made in high impact journals indexed in
Scopus database regarding the implementation of policies for Educational Inclusion in Latin
America during the period between 2015 and 2020. The information was identified through the
application of search filters in the aforementioned platform, and organized by means of tables and
figures that allow the realization of a quantitative analysis of the information where main
characteristics such as year of publication, country of origin, area of knowledge and type of
publication are mentioned. The total number of publications is 986 documents, Brazil is identified
as the Latin American country with the highest number of publications, a total of 482 documents,
and the year with the highest number of publications in the period was 2020, when 245 research
works were registered. The area with the highest number of contributions to the execution of
research projects related to the topic under study was Social Sciences with a total of 554 documents
and the type of publication chosen by most authors was the journal paper, which represents 76% of
the total production. Similarly, examples of publications are identified to establish the position of
the main authors regarding the management of policies to implement inclusive inclusion strategies
in Latin American academic institutions.


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How to Cite
Omar Bellido Valdiviezo; Carlomagno Sancho Noriega; Hernán Ocampo Moreno;Jonnathan Andrés Jiménez Yumbla, Ángel Grover Vega Pilco. (2021). Policies for Educational Inclusion in Latin America: a Review. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(14), 2159–2170. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i14.10593
Research Articles