Personality Traits based friend recommender system in social network

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Dr .M.Sridevi, Mamidi.Jyothi


Friend Recommender System is an important part for any social networking site. These days’ social
networking sites gaining more popularity. Due to popularity, many Friends Recommender systems have
been proposed. Most of the proposed systems are homophily based systems. Homophily is the proclivity to
associate and bond with similar others. These systems recommend people based on common feature we
share with them as friends. Friend recommender system based on homophily is accurate when common
feature is physical or social. Physical or social features are like age, race, job, location, lifestyle etc. To
recommend friends based on user personalities, personality traits-based friend recommender system in social
network is proposed. The proposed method is different from homophily based friend recommender
system,given personality typedoes not necessarily mean that you are compatible with users with same
personality traits. Therefore, we present a friend recommender system based on personality traits, in which
friend recommendation process based on personality traits. A personality based social network is designed
to evaluate proposed method. The proposed method yields better results than collaborative filtering and
other friend recommender systems like content-based friend recommendation system.


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How to Cite
Dr .M.Sridevi, Mamidi.Jyothi. (2021). Personality Traits based friend recommender system in social network. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 6883–6889.
Research Articles