Comparative study of Existing Models for Online Social Network

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Vikas Attri


Today, Online Social Networks becomes the first choice for businesses to broadcast their campaigns for branding, publicity, strategies, advertising, marketing, social influence and so many other areas. Social Network is a platform for communicating with social actors and Social Media is used by companies for broadcasting information. Online Social Network  used by businesses for number of purposes but the primary concern is build new social connections that helps to target most audiences for successful campaign purposes. In OSNs sites the social objects are represented by nodes and the term edge used for connection between nodes under the graph theory. Today Social Network sites have becomes most exploded as compared to traditional sites because of impact of so many influence models over traditional models.Some of popular websites of OSN such as MySpace, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, Google Video, Orkut, LinkedIn, Live Journal and BlogSpot have great impact on customer when targeting the sales marketing funnel for businesses. Adjacent users sometimes called engaged users tend to have more trust level as compared to random pairs users on the social media sites. Already have so much research that helps to calculate the trust factor using influence modeling. So influence models play a vital role to predict the behavior of the customer that helps to fulfill the goal of the business. The key contribution of this work is study of online social networking models.


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How to Cite
Attri , V. . (2021). Comparative study of Existing Models for Online Social Network. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 483–490. Retrieved from
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