Bruguiera igymnorhiza (Mangrove leaf powder) for removal of Pb (II): Characterization, Kinetics, Isotherms and Thermodynamic Studies

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M.Krishna Prasad, et. al.


In ithis istudy igreen iplant imaterial iBruguiera igymnorhiza i(Mangrove ileaf ipowder) iwas iused ifor ithe ibiosorption iof ilead i(II) iions iby iAtomic iabsorption ispectrometry. iIn ia ibatch iprocess iBruguiera igymnorhiza iwas iexposed ito iseveral iaspects, ipH i(2-6) iand itemperature i(25-55°C) iin ithe ipresence iof idifferent ilead iconcentrations i(25-125 img/L) ifor i2h. iThis ipaper istudies ithe iEquilibrium iisotherms, ikinetic iand ithermodynamic iparameters icalculations. iThe ihighest ioccupied ilead iconcentration iwas ifound iat ipH i5 iwhich iwas i97.6% iat iinitial iconcentration iis i25 img/L. iThe imaximum ilead iaccumulation iwas iobtained iat i25◦C ias i10.044 img/g iin i125 img/L iat ipH i5.0, iand ithe iminimum iwas iat i55◦C ias i1.821 img/g iat idosage iof i10 ig/L iand iinitial iconcentration iof i25 img/L. iLead iadsorption iincreased iup ito i75 img/L, ibut idid inot ichange isignificantly iin ithe i75–100mg/L irange. iEquilibrium idata ifit iwell ito ithe iFreundlich iisotherm. iThe ikinetic idata ifollows ithe ipseudo-first-order imodel. iFinally ithe iadsorbent iwas icharacterized iby iFT-IR iand iXRD. iThe ibiomass iof iBruguiera igymnorhiza iis ian ioptimistic iand icost-effective, ibiosorbent ifor ilead i(II) iremoval ifrom iaqueous ienvironment iand iadsorption icapacity iit’s igood, ieasy iof isampling ianalysis, ias iwell ias iavailability


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How to Cite
et. al., M. P. . (2021). Bruguiera igymnorhiza (Mangrove leaf powder) for removal of Pb (II): Characterization, Kinetics, Isotherms and Thermodynamic Studies. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 2193–2208.
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