Unique Attitude? The Concept Of Special Education Leadership

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Mohd Arafat Bin Jaafar, et. al.


Understanding special education is a complex thing. It takes someone to create an alien world filled with its citizens with disabilities. Choosing to be together in the world of special education provides an indicator that preparing oneself to be as special as special education itself. Entering the world of special education, automatically everything needs to be directed to be special and unique. Can we all imagine how stressful and stressful the physical and mental condition of parents who handle their children who are categorized as disabled? Do we fantasize about how a teacher controls their class and teaching when faced with the uncertainty of MBK behavior and conversation in school? Is it worth it if we don’t become as special as possible in the world of special education? This qualitative study was conducted to explore the perceptions of special education teachers on the uniqueness that should exist in special education leadership. As a result of the thematic analysis conducted, there are five things which shows that special education leadership needs to be unique in its implementation, namely prioritizing MBK in all matters, putting love in every school decision, balancing between teachers and MBK, preferring discussion over unilateral decisions and always defending special education, These findings are expected to be a guide to relevant parties.


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How to Cite
et. al., M. A. B. J. . (2021). Unique Attitude? The Concept Of Special Education Leadership . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 5192–5196. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i11.6729
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