Quality Control Analysis at PT. X.

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Oktora Yogi Sari, et. al.


A company needs to run its production process effectively and efficiently to produce a quality product. In reality, however, the company will encounter numerous problems that will affect company’s production process, and it will cause a flawed product. This defective product might bring negative effect to the company. The impacts are in form of the production delay, which is caused by the unfulfilled orders of the product; the decrease of customer’s trust; and the loss in material, power, and resources. Based on those reasons, a manufacturing company needs to conduct a production control activity called quality control. This study is aimed to identify wether PT. X quality control methods is effective in carrying out the production process, especially for their products of shirts and pants in 2016. A factor that was tested in this study was the effectiveness of quality control method that had been carried out by the company. Statistical Quality Control (SQC) was used as a testing technique in this research. The research method used in this research was descriptive method. The population obtained in this study was the total shirts and pants products during the 2016 production period. The sampling technique used in this this study was the non-probability sampling technique paired with purposive sampling. The number of samples discussed in this study used was 45.793 products, those numbers consisted of pants and shirts. The data in this study were obtained through literature study, documentation, dan interview. The data processing technique used in this study was Statistical Quality Control (SQC). The result of this study showed that the quality control method held by PT. X was effective. The effectiveness range of the company’s method was 98.33% (shirts) and 98.14% (pants).


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How to Cite
et. al., O. Y. S. . (2021). Quality Control Analysis at PT. X. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 1546–1554. Retrieved from https://turcomat.org/index.php/turkbilmat/article/view/3203
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