Common Fixed-Point Theorems for Six Mappings in Symmetric Spaces

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A.K. Goyal
Neelmani Gupta


In this paper, we establish a common fixed-point theorem for six mappings in symmetric spaces with compatible mapping of type (E) and occasionally weakly compatible mappings. Our work extends the results of Rajopadhyaya et al. [23,25], Aamri and Moutawakil [2] and other similar results in semi-metric space.


2020 Mathematical Sciences Classification: 54H25, 47H10


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How to Cite
Goyal, A., & Gupta, N. . (2022). Common Fixed-Point Theorems for Six Mappings in Symmetric Spaces. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 13(1), 507–515.
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