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G Vijaya Bhai
K Swetha


In this article, the test is the main focus of the educational system. The test's main objective is to find suitable candidates for different positions. There are yearly reports of papers being leaked, leading to the cancellation or postponement of exams. To provide a compact and portable solution, we consequently made the decision to design and install an incredibly safe test paper leakage protection system based on Arduino. In addition, a GSM modem, RFID module, keypad, and electromagnetic lock are used in this system. The university first sends the exam paper to the college in an electronic sealed box called an Electronic Control Box.
The Electronic Control Box was created using the Arduino processor, which has an integrated RTC system for device monitoring. If someone tries to open the box before or after the RFID swipe time period, the system alerts the university administration via a GSM SMS (Short Message Service) stating that "some malfunctioning has taken place with the Electronic Control Box". If the passwords don't match, the person with access will get a notification on his phone. A single buzzer sound will indicate that the password entered is wrong. We can therefore conclude that the exam papers have been tampered with.


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Article Details

How to Cite
Bhai, G. V. ., & Swetha, K. (2019). RTC BASED IMPLEMENTATION OF RFID AND OTP BASED EXAM PAPER LEAKAGE PROTECTION SYSTEM. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 10(3), 1629–1633. https://doi.org/10.61841/turcomat.v10i3.14580
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