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K. Madhavi
I. Siva Lakshmi
T. Rajesh
Venkata Siva Koti Rambabu Vudatha


With the advancement of technology and the confinements of the good old medical services framework, an unplanned structure for social insurance is needed. We've witnessed a growing interest in and preference for cloud-based software development in the human services sector to manage and meet existing and future demands in social insurance administrations. We propose a cloud-based framework for medical services that is adaptable, safe, efficient, practical, and protected. For the administration EHR framework, we've presented a safe and effective structure in which fine-grained access control is commonly controlled by multi-authority ciphertext property-based encryption (CP-ABE), close by many levels of information structure to permit access control arrangements. Egovernment distributed computing is a major advantage for Saudi Arabia's top officials, who will be able to grow up their social insurance sector through the proposed framework.


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How to Cite
Madhavi, K. ., Lakshmi, I. S. ., Rajesh, T. ., & Vudatha, V. S. K. R. (2019). ENHANCING EFFICIENCY AND SECURITY: A G-CLOUD-BASED FRAMEWORK FOR GOVERNMENT HEALTHCARE SERVICES. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 10(3), 1600–1603. https://doi.org/10.61841/turcomat.v10i3.14562
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