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Yashaswini Gujarathi
Katakam Krishna Chaitanya
Pallavi Bhramarautu
Mosheck Menta


In higher education institutions, student participation in the classroom is directly related to their academic performance. However, the majority of student attendance registration is still conventionally done, which is tedious and time-consuming, especially for those courses that involve large numbers of students. Over the years, attendance management has been conducted manually at most of the universities. To overcome the manual attendance issues, we proposed and implemented a smart attendance system with the aim to encourage the potential use of the Quick Response (QR) code as a future attendance management system, to track and record student attendance in lectures and exercises for all relevant courses, as an aim of this paper.


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How to Cite
Gujarathi, Y. ., Chaitanya, K. K. ., Bhramarautu, P. ., & Menta, M. . (2018). QR BASED ATTENDANCE SYSTEM. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 9(3), 1308–1311. https://doi.org/10.61841/turcomat.v9i3.14474
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