An Efficient and Secure Query Processing and Indexing model for Secure Dynamic Cloud Storage

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Vrince Vimal


To ensure the security and privacy of stored data, as well as the efficacy and efficiency of cloud storage, it is necessary to overcome significant challenges, such as efficient and secure query processing and indexing in dynamic cloud storage. There are a number of limitations with the present methodologies and tactics for query processing and indexing in cloud storage, including high processing overhead, scalability problems, and security concerns. In this paper, we provide a method for efficiently and securely executing queries and indexing data in dynamic cloud storage. The suggested system incorporates scalable indexing techniques, secure query processing, and dynamic data management to overcome these issues. The proposed system has several potential uses in many different areas, including healthcare, finance, e-commerce, government, and research. As new problems arise with cloud storage services, the proposed approach will need to be adjusted and enhanced via ongoing research and development. The proposed method has the potential to enhance data administration and analysis in dynamically managed cloud storage service environments while also protecting data privacy and security.


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How to Cite
Vimal, V. . (2019). An Efficient and Secure Query Processing and Indexing model for Secure Dynamic Cloud Storage. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 10(2), 1043–1048.
Research Articles