A Robust Framework for Spying of Malicious Apps in Online Social Network

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Subhashree Sukla, Smruti Ranjan Swain, Priyanka Priyadarshini Ray


The owners also resort and fraudulent model to deployment the ranking of the apps in the
popularity list. There is limited understanding in the evolvement though the prevention of fraud has
been widely is finding. We implement Firefox users to the number of installed applications on their
Facebook profiles. We present the temporal analysis of the Facebook applications’ stating and
removal dataset take user requirements. Online social networks (OSNs) are new vectors for
cybercrime and hackers are finding new ways. We present results in the perspective of over 12K users
to install. Our purpose system is creating a Facebook application and user goal is to develop a
FRAppE Face book’s Rigorous Application. Online Social Networks (OSN) takes third party apps to
changes the user experience on the platforms. Such modifications are interesting communicating
number of online friends and new models such as playing games. We take facebook provides to
developers an API that facilities app applied into Facebook user experience. Present Ackers to started
taking advantage of the resource of this third-party apps platform and deploying small applications
and small apps will give a profitable business for hackers given the recognition of OSNs. It is safe and
secure data is added in our wall. Thus, the Offensive words and posts are blocked with the help of
dictionary using filters and it is not publicly posted to user wall.


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How to Cite
Subhashree Sukla, Smruti Ranjan Swain, Priyanka Priyadarshini Ray. (2022). A Robust Framework for Spying of Malicious Apps in Online Social Network. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 10(3), 1274–1278. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v10i3.12827
Research Articles