Design and Implementation of IoT-based Digital Notice Board using Arduino Uno

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Saumendra Behera,MonalisaSamal


In this paper, the implementation of simple and IoT based wireless notice board is presented. The
proposed system uses Wi-Fi for communicating with cloud data base. The idea of digital notice board
and it’s working starts from pushing a message to cloud using an android mobile. At the received end
aArduino Uno with a valid internet connection is setup is deployed and it is ready to receive the
messages. Whenever it receives a new message it alerts the LCD display connected to it and it
displays the message on LCD display.


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How to Cite
Saumendra Behera,MonalisaSamal. (2022). Design and Implementation of IoT-based Digital Notice Board using Arduino Uno. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 10(3), 1164–1167.
Research Articles