The A novel Artificial Neural Networks and FCNN algorithms for identifications of Fake Profiles

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P. Deepthi,K. BhavaniB. Tirupathi Kumar,


Fake accounts in online networks are becoming more difficult to spot, and even the most
fundamental tactics aren't always reliable. Consequently, I was prompted to create the
suggested research using an Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) module from deep learning
in order to identify if provided record peculiarities are from certified or counterfeit
customers. According to previous customer records, this ANN will be computed based on
that information from a given date. We'll create this ANN calculation using all of our
previous customers' false profile data and verified record information, and we'll use it on all
fresh test data to see whether the new record subtleties we get are from genuine or fraudulent
clients. It is possible for malicious clients to hack into online interpersonal organisations,
such as Facebook or Twitter, in order to steal or get access to a user's private information.
Fake accounts on social media sites may be detected using an ANN model, which helps us
protect our customers' data.


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How to Cite
P. Deepthi,K. BhavaniB. Tirupathi Kumar,. (2022). The A novel Artificial Neural Networks and FCNN algorithms for identifications of Fake Profiles. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 10(3), 1128–1140.
Research Articles