A Study on the Application of Blockchain Technology based on Direct Acyclic Graph in IoT environment

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Dr.Ho-Kyung Yang
Dr.Hyun-Jong Cha
Dr.You-Jin Song


U The services provided by the Internet of Things create new values, enabling communication with objects rather than communication between people. However, problems arise due to security of services or limitations in network operation. Recently, research is underway to help block cloud (Block Cloud), a platform combining SCN(Service-Centric Networking) and blockchain, provide services rapidly based on instances rather than traditional IPs and resolve trust in services through consensus algorithms. In addition, the Internet of Things network has been proposed as the Fog Computing environment, an environment suitable for real-time processing of information in the context of traditional cloud computing. In this paper, to introduce and utilize this information to expedite the processing of services for the Internet of Things, IOTA, the third generation block chain based on DAG, is applied to the block cloud and the new Internet network structure that requires real time is based on Fog computing. Also, we propose a basic model of object block chain and propose electric vehicle application service based on this basic model.


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How to Cite
Dr.Ho-Kyung Yang, Dr.Hyun-Jong Cha, & Dr.You-Jin Song. (2021). A Study on the Application of Blockchain Technology based on Direct Acyclic Graph in IoT environment. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 5898–5907. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i13.9861
Research Articles