Secure Communication Through Identity Based Cryptography Using Quantum Mechanics

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Dr. V. Padmavathi


Quantum Mechanics laws are employed to cryptography for secure communication which is commonly known as quantum cryptography. Quantum cryptography creates an indestructible cryptographic solution by fortifying prime secrecy, which is used in quantum key distribution. It is a eminent technology that allows two entities to securely interact using quantum mechanics. Bits are used in classical cryptography to encode information, but photons and their polarisation, which is commonly known as qubits, are used in quantum cryptography to encode information. The communications are safe because they are based on unbreakable quantum mechanics laws. The identity based cryptosystem, which allows any pair of users to communicate and validate each other's signatures without transferring private or public keys, maintaining key directories, or relying on the services of a third party. This paper aims at explaining identity based cryptography using laws of quantum mechanics.


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How to Cite
Dr. V. Padmavathi. (2021). Secure Communication Through Identity Based Cryptography Using Quantum Mechanics. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 5367–5371.
Research Articles