The Trend of Published Literature on User Experience (UX) Evaluation: A Bibliometric Analysis

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Norhanisha Yusof


The term user experience (UX) emerged in the early 1990’s. Thenceforth, UX has become a key term for researchers to focus on aspects that go beyond usability and particularly in the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI). The aim of this study is to analyse the bibliometric aspect of UX evaluation literature from Scopus database whereby 644 papers were extracted. The study utilised publishing or perishing software to collect the data, while VOSviewer was used to visualise the data. Data analysis was also carried out using SPSS and Microsoft Excel. The publication of articles between 2018 and 2019 increased to 117 articles in 2019 and this is the highest publication to date. Most of the publications are from journals and conferences, mainly in English. Based on the analysis of the co-occurrence map of all keywords in the articles published, the keywords frequently used by the authors are user experience (416) and user experience evaluation (155). Most of the research related to UX evaluation was conducted in United States; and the researchers prefer multi-authored publications. The co-authorship map of the journal’s authors showed that V. Roto is one of the dominant co-authorships. Other than that, Arnold P. O. S. Vermeeren is also the most cited author of UX evaluation in Scopus database. This study presents the history of scientific literature in user experience evaluation and will provide guidance for future research.


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How to Cite, N. Y. (2021). The Trend of Published Literature on User Experience (UX) Evaluation: A Bibliometric Analysis . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 1529–1542. Retrieved from
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