Symptoms of Depression among Teenagers in Malaysia

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Intan Farhana Saparudin, et. al.


Depression is a psychiatric disorder that involves emotional disorders that often occur in Malaysian teenagers. Depression will cause a person to feel sad, tired, and angry, lose interest to do daily activities and tend to kill themselves. Depression can occur in male and female teenagers. It is often a sad feeling that occurs in a long period so that it can reach a period of two weeks. Symptoms of depression can be seen from the angle, cognitive, behavioural and physiology associated with each other in their daily lives. Teenagers are also not spared to face depression. In a variety of emotions facing teenagers, they face a variety of emotions that make them depressed and will result in depression. The objective of this article is to identify the symptoms of depression suffered by teenagers. To identify the objective of the content analysis method is done. The findings show that there are some symptoms of depression that cause discomfort and disrupt teenagers to function normally. The implication of the study giving knowledge about the symptoms of depression among teenagers and the kinds of treatment often used which are through counselling and psychotherapy.


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How to Cite
et. al., I. F. S. . (2021). Symptoms of Depression among Teenagers in Malaysia . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 711–714. Retrieved from
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