Using Artificial Bat Swarm Algorithm In Scheduling Problem

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Firdews A.Alsalman, et. al.


Software Project scheduling problem  is considered one of the basic and important processes in the software industry at the present time as software manufacturers strive to meet customer needs in terms of time and money factor and the ability to find good solutions where we can achieve 60% of project success if planned and make good use of human resources. And other resources The project manager is responsible for planning the resources and identifying the critical points facing the project in addition to defining the tasks assigned to the employees to implement them according to their skills, experience and the extent of relevance of each task to another. In this paper, project scheduling is presented using the intelligent bat swarm algorithm.


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How to Cite
et. al., F. A. . (2021). Using Artificial Bat Swarm Algorithm In Scheduling Problem. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 3597–3607.
Research Articles