To Explore The Effect Of Social Networking Sites On Student Academic Performance

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Dr. Kavita Khadse


A large portion of the recent college grads these days are busy with Social Networking Sites. In this paper we have done an understudy study for Social Networking Sites (SNS's) use and it relating impacts and furthermore investigated this information. To review how the SNS's influences considers Questionnaires were planned and conveyed to respondents. Information assortment was done and examined utilizing rates, frequencies and chart portrayals while the theory was tried utilizing chi square (χ 2). In the theory the incessant utilization of long-range interpersonal communication locales by understudy has no impact on their investigations was acknowledged at 5% degree of importance. It is discovered that understudies oftentimes use SNS, in any event, during considers, yet they additionally utilize the data on SNS in their scholastic tasks also. It was prescribed that understudies ought to figure out how to deal with their time appropriately.


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How to Cite
Dr. Kavita Khadse. (2020). To Explore The Effect Of Social Networking Sites On Student Academic Performance. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 11(3), 856–866.
Research Articles