The Implications of Modern Technology (Gadjet) For Students Learning Development in University

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Siti Marpuah, et. al.


The development of modern technology (gadgets) has led to the widespread use of Internet channels for everyday use among students at the University. Student engagement in the use of gadgets is usually online through mobile phones, computers, tablets and laptops. Generally, social media engagement with modern technology is a new phenomenon experienced by University students who are seen to have implications for their learning. The main objective of the study was to identify the positive and negative effects of gadgets on the development of student learning at the University. In addition, the researcher proposes steps to help students overcome the negative effects of excessive use of gadgets. This study was conducted using quantitative method that is by using ‘google form’ involving only 50 respondents consisting of students  Moral Studies Subject of Year one (I) at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. The results show that the positive effects of the gadgets can help students find information on the subject and make it easier to complete their assignments. Also, using gadgets or modern technology can improve their quality of work. While the negative effect of the use of modern technology on learning is that students spend a lot of time playing video games, surfing social media and others that are on the smartphone. To overcome these negative effects, researchers suggest that every student should be good at dividing time to carry out tasks as students by prioritizing work over video games and social media.



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How to Cite
et. al., S. M. . (2021). The Implications of Modern Technology (Gadjet) For Students Learning Development in University. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 588–593. Retrieved from
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