The connection between parenting style and the achievements in mathematics and discipline of high school students from the Arab society

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Yousef Methkal Abd Algani, et. al.


The present study examines the relationship between the four main parenting styles and students' achievement and discipline. The four examined parenting styles are: authoritarian, resolute, lenient and indifferent. The main research question: Is there any relationship between parenting style and student achievement in mathematics and discipline at school? The study focused on high school students from Arab society. Questionnaires regarding parenting style were given to 50 parents from three high schools, a private one and two governmental. Subsequently, achievement and discipline questionnaires were given to teachers working in the same schools. The study's findings revealed a positive relationship between the resolute parenting style and the students 'achievements in mathematics and a positive relationship between the resolute parenting style and the student's discipline. Besides, the study revealed a positive relationship between authoritarian parenting style and student achievement in mathematics and a positive relationship between resolute parenting style and student discipline. The study also revealed a negative relationship between the lenient parenting style and student achievement in mathematics and a negative relationship between the lenient parenting style and student discipline.  Furthermore, the findings show a negative relationship between indifferent parenting style and student achievement in mathematics; and a negative relationship between indifferent parenting style and student discipline. Hence, the main research conclusion is that the resolute parenting style is the best and most influential of the four parenting styles. Students who are raised according to this style have the best achievements in mathematics and discipline. In contrast, the findings show that the indifferent parenting style is the worst because of the negative relationship and student achievement in mathematics and the field.


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How to Cite
et. al., Y. M. A. A. . (2021). The connection between parenting style and the achievements in mathematics and discipline of high school students from the Arab society. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 1832–1848.
Research Articles