Performance and Scalability Evaluation of the Wireless Body Area Network using Castalia Simulator

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Manjot Kaur


Castalia is a model for WLAN (WSN), body areas (BAN), and low-power networks, which are commonly frequently used in research and technology, for networking devices. This paper, provides a simple assessment of Castalia’s memory use and computing time over a number of scenarios and characteristics of Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs). While, WBAN gives you the ability to monitor patients closely, but it presents many new challenges too. HKernel parameters like network size, simulation time, and mobile node fraction are, however, unique to demonstrate the scalability potential of Castalia.  We analyze our results and clarify the success of the simulator against intuitive results. Also examined in traffic adaptive approaches are IEEE 802.15.4 standard called Zigbee and IEEE 802.15.6 standard called baseline MAC. In fact, the procedures are also compared, the distribution ratio (PDR) are compared and the energy demand is evaluated. They are evaluated. Castalia users should use the tests and their interpretations as a guide to assess the drawback of their simulations, as well as to select criteria that balance performance consistency. We also demonstrate future users the efficiency capabilities of Castalia-3.2


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How to Cite
Kaur , M. . (2021). Performance and Scalability Evaluation of the Wireless Body Area Network using Castalia Simulator. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 543–554. Retrieved from
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