Internet Of Things (IoT) based Reliable Health Monitoring System –Solefit

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Dr.Saumya Chaturvedi, et. al.


Observing important patient boundaries is often limited to hospitals or other health care facilities, which makes the process time-consuming and expensive. We see that with the advancement of technology and the use of small nerves, there have been efforts to use new technologies in various areas to improve human health. People in need of health care find it very expensive and this is especially true in developing countries. As a result, this project is an attempt to solve the health care problem currently facing the community. The main purpose of this project was to design a reliable health care system. It consists of three main parts. The first part was to detect the patient's health using nerves, the second was to send data to cloud storage and the last part was to provide the details of remote vision. Remote viewing of the data enables the physician or caregiver to monitor the patient's health progress away from the hospital premises. The purpose of this project was to develop a Reliable Health System that could be developed by local licenses with the aim of making it less expensive for mass production. The proposed construction therefore collects sensory data via Arduino microcontroller and transmits it to the cloud when it is processed and analyzed for remote viewing. Response actions based on analyzed information can be sent back to the doctor or caregiver via email and / or SMS alerts in the event of an emergency.


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How to Cite
et. al., D. C. . (2021). Internet Of Things (IoT) based Reliable Health Monitoring System –Solefit . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 5207–5212.
Research Articles