Comparing Various Tracking Algorithms In OpenCV

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Suryansh Pratap Singh, et. al.


Locating an item in consecutive frames of a video is known as object tracking. It is implemented by estimating the state of the concerned object present in the scene from previous information. Since the object has been tracked till the present frame, it's known how it has been moving. More simply, the parameters of the model are known. A motion model tells the speed and direction of motion of the object from previous frames. Algorithms that track objects using this motion model are known as object tracking algorithms. There is a multitude of algorithms that can be used for the same purpose. The trouble is finding out which object tracking algorithms are best for a particular use case. In this work, we have compared two object tracking algorithms and their hybrid to find which performs better in the case of a live feed.


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How to Cite
et. al., S. P. S. . (2021). Comparing Various Tracking Algorithms In OpenCV. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 5193–5198.
Research Articles