Predictive Analysis of Cricket

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Aman Sahu, et. al.


In cricket, especially the emergence of the availability of a different format the size of automatic machines for learning by guessing and predicting is important. As cricket is highly regarded and popular, there is no one who can imagine who will win the game until the final over-the-top ball. And there are a number of factors such as individual performance, team performance and environmental factors that need to be considered in planning a game strategy. So, we decided to make a machine learning model to predict the outcome of its games. For this project study, we used a data analysis tool called Google Colab to process data and provide recommendations. Improved models can help decision-makers during cricket games to test a team's strengths against the other and environmental factors. For preprocessing of dataset, we have used label encoder and in compilation we have used random forest classifier algorithm to describe the conditions and recommendations of the solutions


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How to Cite
et. al., A. S. . (2021). Predictive Analysis of Cricket . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 5111–5124.
Research Articles