Internet of Things (Iot): A Review

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Gurpreet Singh, et. al.


Nowadays highly cited types are interconnected over through the Internet. It can take control of and enable so many services from the mobile phones devices. You can arrange passes, banking, traffic controls, clear your dues, get municipal certificates etc. Because of the devices' complexity design, IoT have several issues such as information exchange and influence, big data, scalability, protection, interoperability. Numerous (sensing) devices in the network continue to maintain and send the information to the power area for planning and policy making. This paper helps you understand what IoT is, then what the main dilemmas.


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How to Cite
et. al., G. S. . (2021). Internet of Things (Iot): A Review. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 521–526. Retrieved from
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