Novel Statistical Load Balancing Algorithm for Cloud Computing

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Shekhar kumar Swarnkar ,


Load balancing in a cloud computing environment has an important impact on performance. Good load balancing makes cloud computing more efficient and improves user satisfaction. Because enterprises are located near users and have the least distribution, load balancing in cloud computing becomes more and more important. The load balancing of cloud computing provides a good and efficient strategy for multiple queries residing in a centralized cloud computing environment. Complete balance must directly consider two tasks; one will be resource supply and resource allocation, as well as the task plan in the entire distributed system. The round-robin algorithm can be the simplest algorithm shown so far, and can help distribute the population between nodes. Therefore, it is usually the first choice when implementing a simple scheduler. One of the reasons for this simplicity is that the only information required is the node list. This work identified the drawbacks of implementing existing load balancing algorithms in a cloud computing environment, and designed a solution that uses priority as a load balancing parameter in a given environment


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How to Cite, S. kumar S. , . . . . . (2021). Novel Statistical Load Balancing Algorithm for Cloud Computing. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 904–913. (Original work published June 4, 2021)
Research Articles