Age Detection based on Facial Image using Fusion Extreme Learning Machine Classifier

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Dr. K Sundeep Kumar, V. Hemasree


Age Estimation from the human facial image is a very difficult process since age is influenced by many factors gender, life style, working environment, mental state of the person etc. For age estimation LBP (Local Binary Pattern) histogram are generated and wrinkle estimation is performed using the Gabor filter resulting with the Gabor feature vectors based on the wrinkle levels. Training and testing are done with Fusion Extreme Learning Classifier which is proposed. The proposed fusion classifiers combine the Gabor feature vectors and LBP histograms and estimates the age based on the classification results and manual voting results. The testing is performed with FG-Net database and achieves higher accuracy levels with ease of computation.


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How to Cite
Dr. K Sundeep Kumar, V. Hemasree. (2021). Age Detection based on Facial Image using Fusion Extreme Learning Machine Classifier. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 4535–4546.
Research Articles