Development of Whole Language-Bases Instructional Models to Improve Commencement Literacy Skills

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Asih Budi Kurniawati, Dr. Mohamad Syarif Sumantri, Dr. Jarudin


This study aims to develop a whole language-based commencement literacy instructional model. In this study, the children's initial literacy assessment tools and instruments were directed to evaluate students' commencement literacy skills before participating in a whole language-based learning program. In connection with this study, because the sampled children are kindergarten children, the assessment is not done in tests but in the form of non-tests such as children's work, performance portfolios, and observations or observations. The achievement of learning objectives should be seen in the child's final result (learning outcome), and how the child's process during the learning process should also be considered. This study's instrument was developed based on a grid compiled based on the theory of early writing of children aged 5-6 years and based on analysis of needs in the field. The study results that the whole language model is effective for improving the ability to read writing early.


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How to Cite
Asih Budi Kurniawati, Dr. Mohamad Syarif Sumantri, Dr. Jarudin. (2021). Development of Whole Language-Bases Instructional Models to Improve Commencement Literacy Skills. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 4447–4460.
Research Articles