Cloud Data Security in Multi Model Attributes For Randomized Key Service Using Encryption Techniques

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S.Noordeen , et. al.


The growing size of information, security became the risk of access from centralized resource providers deploy them into cloud, where authorized users could access them. The nearly combined nature of cloud environment does not yet allow users to perceive the cloud resources and services in a split second. At the same time, they are upgrading. Also, attribute based encryption techniques are used towards the security development in few methods. Also, profile based approaches are used which uses different encryption keys according to user profile. However, all the methods suffer to achieve higher performance in datasecurity. To solve this issue and to improve the security performance, an efficient Service LevelAttributeBasedEncryption (SLABE)ispresented.Inthisapproach,themethoduses different key set of different services. For each attribute, the method maintains different keys for various services. According to the key belongs to the attributes and service, the method performs encryption and decryption. The method improves the performance in security and increases the throughput aswell. Further to improve the security performance, a multi attribute randomized key Service Level Encryption (MARK-SLE) scheme has been presented. In this approach, the method classifies the service and for each service, the method generates different key set according to the attributes accessed. The method selects the keys in a randomized approach and chooses the keys at different time session. Generated key has been used to perform encryption or decryption where the schemes of encryption also selected in a random manner. The proposed MARK-SLE algorithm improves the security performance than previous SLABEalgorithm. Third, a Service Level Scheduler Based Encryption (SLSBE) Scheme is presented. In this approach, the security in service level and scheduling strategy is considered. For each service available, the method maintains the set of attributes being accessed. For each level of service and attributes, the method uses different keys and encryption standards. At the reception of user request, the method identifies the service claimed and set of attributes.



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How to Cite
et. al., S. , . (2021). Cloud Data Security in Multi Model Attributes For Randomized Key Service Using Encryption Techniques. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 437–449. Retrieved from
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