Design Thinking Approach on Far Field Energy Gleaning From Space

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B.Sivasankari , et. al.


The innovation is further along than might suspect for capturing solar oriented vitality in space where the sun dependably sparkles and radiating it to Earth. The thought of capturing solar-based vitality in space where the sun never quits sparkling and radiating it to Earth may appear to be outlandish, yet such innovation is further along than generally figure it out. A continuous power supply is basic for the activity of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) since business battery control frameworks have restricted lifetime which makes them unsatisfactory for these applications. In this paper, a way to deal with substitute batteries for controlling WSNs is given based on design thinking approach. RF signal as an info source from a solar panel which is then converted into dc and stored for further applications.



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How to Cite
et. al., B. , . (2021). Design Thinking Approach on Far Field Energy Gleaning From Space. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 364–368. Retrieved from
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