Comparing the Performance of Algorithm with Relevant Features for Histological Categorization of Lung Cancer

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V. NishaJenipher , et. al.


Due to increasing cancer cases around the world, Lung cancer has become the favorite topic of research for a long period of time. The actual reason is due to the increasing rate of new cases across the globe. Therefore, many researchers used prediction or classification algorithm to identify the factors that contribute to the increase of this deadly disease. Two models were built namely WRF and RF. RF model provides the result of features selected by a predominant feature selection method whereas WRF model provides result of all features without performing any selection process. A comparison is made to inform the importance of selecting the feature for classification or prediction algorithm. The accuracy provided by WRF model is higher than RF model which highlights the importance of selecting the feature for classification algorithm.



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How to Cite
et. al., V. N. , . (2021). Comparing the Performance of Algorithm with Relevant Features for Histological Categorization of Lung Cancer. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 357–363. Retrieved from
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