Smart Vehicles Zone Creation for Vehicle Ad Hoc Network

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Sivakumar Kolandaiappan, et. al.


Today’s edge networks are the intelligent connectivity of 5G vehicles has primarily handled simultaneously with a large variety of fast-moving devices on the cell's bottom. Ground, time-based various cluster or zone links rapidly identified and the proposed Zone vehicle transport technology is based on industry 5.0 this focusing on autonomous vehicles, robotic drones and taxi, and driverless systems like the car, truck, train, etc. It is challenging to access rapid network knowledge and a variety of facilities at the early stages of particular vehicle information, acceleration, controlling to this mesh communication with multi-level layers, infrastructures, fast networks, clouds, loads, etc. This article has a field system to handle systems of tremendous range. Fast mobility in multi-casts and zones meshing is solved by this paper. Here, cell coverage-based zones with particular antenna specification systems and broadcast radio service are established by ns2 tool with numerous connections of RSU, vehicle, accessories, rapid network, infrastructure, cloud, etc.


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How to Cite
et. al., S. K. . (2021). Smart Vehicles Zone Creation for Vehicle Ad Hoc Network. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 3333–3343.
Research Articles