A Machine Learning Artery to Credentials of Syndrome Management Relation Approach

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Raja Suganya PV, et. al.


Machine learning has been used in every research and it is an effective tool in the medical field. This kind of automatic learning is used in the extraction of medical knowledge, patient management care and medical decision support. In machine learning the computerized algorithm can be integrated in the health care field to get an efficient and effective medical care. In the proposed system a machine learning based methodology is described for building an application for the identification and propagation of medical information. It extracts the sentences from database containing medical journals that contains various details about disease and treatment information. This task involves the scanning of the database where the unnecessary sentences are eliminated and only the required information is given to the user. It also derives a semantic relation that exists between disease and treatments and the non-informative sentences is not taken into consideration. Hence accurate results are obtained from the database providing effective retrieval. Finally, the result of the task produces an efficient outcome that can be integrated in an application that can be used in medical field.


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How to Cite
et. al., R. S. P. . (2021). A Machine Learning Artery to Credentials of Syndrome Management Relation Approach. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 3188–3196. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i12.7993
Research Articles