Patterns of Relationship between Local Government and Regional People's Representative Council through Common Perception and Effective Communication

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Bernardus Seran Kehik , et. al.


The purpose of this research is to analyze the pattern of relations between the Regional Government and the Regional People's Representative Council in North Central Timor Regency through shared perceptions and effective communication. This type of research is qualitative research with the unit of analysis in this study consisting of informants from the Regional Government, the Regional Representative Council of Higher Education, Entrepreneurs, the community, Non-Governmental Organizations, Journalists, traditional institutions in the pattern of relations between the Regional Government and the Regional People's Representative Council, amounting to twenty 22 people. The data collection techniques in this study consisted of qualitative observation, qualitative interviews and supporting documents. The results show that this shared perception has not been implemented properly because the Regional Government and the DPRD are always contaminated by unilateral political interpretations related to the translation of the existing vision and mission, the weak commitment of the two regional government institutions with the strong influence of political parties results in a pattern of relationships that are between the Government. Regions with DPRD. Based on the findings of research in the field, effective communication is carried out through the formal level and informal communication related to formal government affairs. Although there is less effective informal communication done because of the impression of political negotiations or lobbies from the Regional Government to the DPRD or vice versa. It needs to be strengthened by adding new variants, namely shared perceptions and effective communication with the power of local wisdom which has a very large influence to break into formal government, especially resolving conflicts related to the relationship between the Regional Government and DPRD. This research produces a new model in the relationship between the Regional Government and the DPRD in government administration


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How to Cite
et. al., B. S. K. , . (2021). Patterns of Relationship between Local Government and Regional People’s Representative Council through Common Perception and Effective Communication. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 2601–26011.
Research Articles