A System To Detect Fruitfreshnessusingmachine Learningand Iot Approach

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Ganeshan Mudaliar, et. al.


Food spoilage is a big problem in today's culture, as consuming spoiled food can be dangerous to one's health.Our study intends to detect rotten food at an early stage and improve accuracy to reduce food waste by using sensors and analysing gases released by specific food products.When a microcontroller detects gases, it communicates data to the internet of things, enabling for the necessary action to be taken..In the food business, where food identification is currently done by hand, this offers a wide range of uses.We used machine learning and IoT, as well as sensors, to anticipate how frequently a food will spoil.This will increase supermarket competitiveness, resulting in more organic and natural products being sold.This study looks at how Machine Learning and IoT can be used to determine food freshness.The Wi-Fi module connects this IoT system to the internet, and it begins reading data from the connected sensors.The system consists of a microprocessor, as well as electrical and biosensors such as a moisture sensor and an ethanol gas sensor.This technology detects moisture as well as harmful gases.A convolutional neural network (CNN), a sort of deep learning neural network, is a type of deep learning neural network..CNNs are a big step forward in image identification.They're most usually utilised to examine visual imagery, and they're regularly involved in picture categorization behind the scenes.We get an accuracy of 89% while using CNN in detecting ripen fruit  and 96% in rotten fruit.The result of both CNN and sensors valve comparing that both the result it is declard as fresh or rotten.


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How to Cite
et. al., G. M. . (2021). A System To Detect Fruitfreshnessusingmachine Learningand Iot Approach. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 2469–2477. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i12.7841
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