Design of peak current mode-controlled Buck converter with high side current sensing technique for overcurrent protection

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Sudharshan K.M, et. al.


In this paper the design of peak current controlled buck converter with high side current sensing technique for overcurrent protected is proposed which in turn designed for the input of 50V at a switching frequency of 40 KHz. The proposal of this peak current control in the buck converter topology is performed with the high side current sensing technique to provide overcurrent protection. This overcurrent protection is performed by creating an over current alert whenever there arise an increase in the load current of 1A present in the high side current sensing element.  This proposed system also attains an output voltage of 10V with a considerable output power dissipation of 10 watts providing a noise tolerant and stable dc output current. Majority of the power supplies focus to attain a stable power under all unique transient conditions and to achieve it they are designed with the closed loop feedback circuitry. To address the shortcomings of the voltage mode control, the design of current control method is implemented. To provide a fast response of the control loop of both the current and existing voltage loop the high side current sensing method is applied. All the design specifications are considered and the simulatin is performed using LT-SPICE.


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How to Cite
et. al., S. K. . (2021). Design of peak current mode-controlled Buck converter with high side current sensing technique for overcurrent protection. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 2417–2425.
Research Articles