Implementation Of Perceptron Algorithm For Logic Gates Using ANN

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Chowdhari M I, et. al.


Biological/organic neurons ar the  main components  of  human  brain. Neuron processes and  sends information  to  other  neuron  by  sending  electrical  signals. Artificial neurons are inspired by biological neurons. These artificial neurons are interconnected to form artificial neural networks. This neural network’s  structure helps  to  make computation faster for certain tasks hence making it suitable for implementation in VLSI technology. Then the Logic gates is implemented using feed forward network and the design is realized using Verilog HDL.


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How to Cite
et. al., C. M. I. . (2021). Implementation Of Perceptron Algorithm For Logic Gates Using ANN. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 2192–2199.
Research Articles