A Descriptive Study on The Multilingualism in The Workplace

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Ms. K. Jayanthi, Dr. Ishwer Singh


It is something not new to use multiple languages for the purpose of work. In today’s era the unprecedented level of mobility of businesses and people lead to complex linguistic -landscapes. Workplaces where people speak multiple languages, over the years have gained lot of attention. This constitutes the norm instead of exception for employees. We can state that as per the context of cosmopolitan and transient literature about the multinational, intercultural dimensions and multilingual is enough considerable for the professional and work place activities.


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How to Cite
Ms. K. Jayanthi, Dr. Ishwer Singh. (2021). A Descriptive Study on The Multilingualism in The Workplace. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 2083–2089. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i12.7740
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