Educators' perspectives on the capacity of WIL programs to broaden Office Management and Technology competencies of students at UoTs

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Nomfundo Gladys Khoza


Educators who teach future employees are collaborating with industry to bridge the gap between industry and higher education by developing an industry-relevant curriculum that ensures students are fully equipped with skills that will better prepare them for future employment. Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) not only produces a capable workforce but also strengthens the relationship between higher education institutions and companies, as well as providing opportunities for on-the-job income. With these advantages in mind, students may find it necessary to engage in work-integrated learning to become employable and productive citizens of our nation. The purpose of this study is to give educators' perspectives on the ability of WIL programs to widen students' Office Management and Technology (OMT) competencies. The outcomes of a qualitative case study involving ten educators from the Central University of Technology (CUT) Bloemfontein Campus revealed that not all OMT capabilities are deemed basic to WIL involvement. The research found that OMT educators believe that students' expertise in website design and development is not required for them to participate effectively in WIL.


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How to Cite
Nomfundo Gladys Khoza. (2021). Educators’ perspectives on the capacity of WIL programs to broaden Office Management and Technology competencies of students at UoTs. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 1944–1950.
Research Articles