High-Low Involvement Products in Multi-Stage Decision Process Model

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Eric Santosa


The theory of high-low involvement products led consumers to an idea that they needed much time, consideration and efforts to make a choice. It was in opposition with low involvement products that consumers just required a shorter way. A lot of studies supported the idea. This study was different at least in two ways i.e. the decision making used was multiple-stage decision making and proving the duration was no longer the object, instead in which level of the decision making process, a consideration took part. Therefore, the aim of the study was to identify the process of making decision in which the consideration played a role. A sample which consisted of 126 respondents was withdrawn through judgment and convenience technique. Data submitted by questionnaires, employing Likert scale, ranging from 1= completely disagree to 5= completely agree. An Amos 22.0 and SPSS 21.0 were exercised to analyze data. The finding showed for high involvement products, deep deliberation took part on retrieval set and choice set, while long-time consumed in making consideration happened at universal set. On the contrary, for low involvement products shallow deliberation played a role on universal set and short-time consumed in making consideration occurred at choice set.


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How to Cite
Eric Santosa. (2021). High-Low Involvement Products in Multi-Stage Decision Process Model. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 1309–1318. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i12.7610
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